Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Recent research shows that those who positively post images and talk good about their relationships on Facebook are happier in real life (“Can You See How Happy We Are? Facebook Images and Relationship Satisfaction” from  http://spp.sagepub.com/content/4/4/411.abstract?rss=1).
Let us read this research right: The posting and talking on Facebook does not lead or make the couple to grow closer and fonder in the first instance. However, the fact that the couples are broadcasting their feelings is because the couples are already closer and enjoying colorful time together, so much so that it can’t help but spill over onto their daily social activity that includes Facebook. I am sure if you listened in to a couple of private conversations with friends and family, the same love hue and aura of satisfaction would show.
First of all, this came as a huge relief! (I have always had this hushed fear that some mistake my openly pronounced love for my loved ones (especially, for my dear wife) for bragging; now I know that I wasn't faking it after all, and I can be truly now be counted among those that are happy). As much as this is hard to accept, couples who enjoy their love much less show in real life, because it is really hard to pretend that things are fine when all is pain and gloom

inside! (How hard it is to hide a painful limp in a "forced marathon"!) Sooner or later, one comes to realize that if you can’t appreciate your friend in secret and in the little things, then that appreciation won’t just be conjured up before men! If it is not in the heart, then it won't sprout! It should first come from the heart, then it will blossom and be expressed unrestrained for the world to see… even if it means placing it on Facebook! One would do this without shame, as it will be as sincere as it comes! For once, Facebook is no “facemask” when it comes to love expressed!

Secondly, a spiritual point on the final judgment came to mind! Judgement by the supreme God at the end of time is a theme that cuts across most religions. For most Christians, this concerns the Law of God, salvation by grace, and the role of our works in it all. If God will judge us by works (2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:12 and 13), how is it that the same Bible says we are saved by grace through faith and not of works (Ephesians 2:8 and 9; Galatians 2:16)? A careful reading of scripture shows that we need to blend the two: the same Bible says that faith without works is dead (James 2:14 to 26; Ephesians 2:10; Titus 2:7 and 14). Now that makes sense, because if you love God, then this will show through your daily life choices – which are your works, as James clearly illustrates. The ways of your life will show exactly on whose side you are in this conflict of good and evil: God’s side or the devil’s, and any pretenders are put to shame (Titus 1:16). When to it comes to practical living, you and I can never pretend or hide: those who live around us know whether or not our love for God is coming from the heart, because it will show in our lives everyday, even if we don’t want it to! It comes off naturally that we reflect the master within us! Life hides no masks: it’s “Lifebook” perhaps (rivaling “Facebook”?)! Almost like a child's love, real love for God will always show!
So, I can freely love my God (and my wife: with God’s help, I do not plan to stop saying it and living it)!
 God bless.

Monday, February 18, 2013



A few facts that still bother me and I can't ignore (more like a grain of sand in my shoe) whenever I think of taking evolution as an explanation for all that is on this planet called earth.

1. THE HUMAN BODY - It is so complex, with wonderful systems that take medical doctors a good part of their life to just specialize in a portion of it!

Think about some of these few examples:
The Baby - From birth, somehow life starts within another life: in the womb!  No wonder the wisest of all men, King Solomon, said in Ecclesiastes 11:5, "As thou knowest not... how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."
      The heart - It beats with such relentless pulsation for years on end, and often, throughout life. It makes blood to flow in us, giving life-giving oxygen and energy to cells (the brain and all) and the person is alive and well as long as it is functional! It still eludes our intelligence to vivify a freshly clinically dead person! Isn't there just Someone superior out there who is the Life-giver?
The eye - It's individual parts just can't function on their own! It can't fulfil the duty to see if the parts are not there all at once! This has been called "irreducible complexity", more like a mouse trap needs all its small parts if it will function at all. And, of course, this has been challenged by evolutionists! But I think it takes more faith to believe that this somehow evolved!

Evolution would be very intelligent to cook that sort of complexity, anyhow! Those are my humble thoughts!

God bless!

(to be continued...)

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Jesus Was Here!

You can still see it today–in cell block 11, cell number 1632 at Auschwitz*. On the wall a prisoner etched a cross. Beside the cross he carved the face of Jesus, and below that face the picture of a broken heart. Then along side these symbols he wrote these words: "Jesus was here."

"Jesus was here." And because He was, no one suffers alone tonight.
"Jesus was here." And because He was, the final eradication of Satan's reign of terror is assured.
"Jesus was here." And because He was, the triumphant end to the ultimate star wars has been unconditionally guaranteed.

"In all their affliction He was afflicted." Isaiah 63:9 "A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.... All we like sheep have gone astray.... But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities;... and by His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:6,3-5

(From www.rusearching.com)

*Ausch·witz [ów shwìts]
site of the largest Nazi concentration camp, where between 1.5 and 4 million people were murdered between 1941 and 1945. Situated in southern Poland, it is now a museum and archive.
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